The College of Agriculture (COA), Bikaner was established in 1988 and located at 10th milestone on Sriganganagar road, Beechwal, Bikaner. The College offers a four year (eight semester) B.Sc.(Ag.) programme, two year (four semester) M.Sc.(Ag.) programme in nine disciplines viz., Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Biotechnology, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Plant Pathology, Soil Science and Extension Education and a three year (six semester) Ph.D. programme in nine disciplines viz., Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Biotechnology, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Plant Pathology, Soil Science and Extension Education.

The College was established to transform agriculture from livelihood to a profitable business. Bikaner region of the state is mainly characterized by the presence of Thar which makes the environment of the region highly fragile with hot arid climate. Advent of irrigation facilities through Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojana and increased tube well irrigated areas, has made agriculture profitable proposition. For last 26 years, the college has become the nerve centre for generating technically trained manpower in agriculture and allied subjects. Students from different parts of the country even from different countries are joining the college through Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).