Carrying out research in different spheres of Soil Science for sustainable and productive use of natural
resources for betterment of the society and producing good quality human resource through excellent
undergraduate and post graduate education.
• To impart quality education to the students with an understanding of and ability to apply fundamental
principles of Soil Science and natural resource management.
• To develop knowledge of Soil Science and the interrelationships with plant growth, nutrition and
environmental quality.
• Transfer of technology to the farmer’s doorstep through KVKs and Government agencies.
• To impart teaching in the field of Soil Science to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
• To find out the problems and provide solutions to emerging problems in the field of soil, water and
nutrient management for sustaining soil health through PG research
• To generate human resource and capacity building of students to fulfill need of the State related to the
• To inculcate the skills among students related to soil, plant and water testing.
• To evaluate new age fertilizers to increase fertilizer use efficiency.
Major activities
• Teaching and Supervision of PG students in their research activities.
• Find out the problems and provide solutions to emerging problems in the field of soil, water and nutrient
management for sustaining soil health.
• Generate human resource and capacity building of students to fulfill need of government and private
organizations related to the subject.
• Inculcate the skills among students related to soil, plant and water testing.
Any other relevant information
Most of the students of the department have got placements in different government and private
organizations. Government organizations in which students are getting jobs are Soil Testing Laboratories
working in Government sector, Agriculture Officer and Assistant Agriculture Officer in State Government,
Nationalized Banks and Agricultural Universities etc. Some students are going for higher studies through
passing the competitive exams. The students and staff of department have published 63 Research & 7 Symposium
papers, 9 Technical articles, 5 Book chapters, 3 Radio talks and 6 Folders. Faculty members of the
department attended 11 Conferences, Workshops, Trainings, Orientation courses etc. during the last five